Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Drumroll please...

I am very excited to announce that I was selected to compete in the 2012 Norco Extreme Mustang Makeover!

The last time I competed, Neo Noir did well adopting for $2500 and finding one of the best homes ever (thanks Priscilla!) I know the Mustang Heritage Foundation has set the goal for this year to find 4000 mustang's homes. Since Neo, I have trained and adopted out another 6 and found a breed that is truly amazing to work with.  As for the competition, this year a few rules have changed... Instead of geldings, we are working with mares. Trainers also had the choice of taking one or two mustangs to gentle, train, and compete with in 90 days. Obviously, I chose two! I have no doubt this will be tons of work but cannot wait to get started. In the meantime, my 3 other mustangs I am still working with weekly will be keeping me on my toes as well as the amazing friesians I work with in Sonoma. The mustangs are coming from the Litchfield Corrals and are assigned randomly so I have no idea what size, color, or temperament. I am planning on keeping the blogs as current as possible, stay tuned for pictures and bios. I head up on Friday and will be bringing the girls home Saturday. I will probably recruit some photographers to help document this adventure. If you haven't already, sign up for my blog by typing in your email address on the top bar that reads 'email address' and hit submit. It sends you an email when I post a new blog (no spam, promise!) 

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